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    Message on the crisis in Japan

    To the Johns Hopkins community, As we, across the Johns Hopkins community, watched the devastation unleashed by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in northern Japan last week, our hearts went out to the Japanese people and all those affected by the crises. We now watch with concern as the nuclear situation evolves, hoping for a near-term solution that minimizes the impact on an already suffering nation. After coordinating...

    On the Soul of Johns Hopkins

    Dear Faculty, Students and Staff, Two years ago today, I joined the Johns Hopkins community as your president. While the precise date may be memorable to only a small handful of people — most of them related to me by blood or marriage — it was a momentous event in my life. On the day that I started at Johns Hopkins, I wrote to you to express my commitment to learning the soul of this great university. Since then, I have gained...

    Johns Hopkins promotes plan for sustainable, healthy environment

    Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: This past spring, I was pleased to receive a thoughtful and considered report from a multi-constituency task force convened to address how the university could enhance its contributions to the promotion of a sustainable and healthy environment. The report offered a series of recommendations that touched each of our research, education and community engagement missions. It also...

    Johns Hopkins Takes Time for Schools

    Dear Staff and Faculty Members: Baltimore’s public schools, which are so critical to the future of our city, are embarked on an exciting time of enhanced academic achievement and service to our children. You can help. And Johns Hopkins wants to help you help. As of now, the university is offering eligible staff members up to two days a year of paid leave to spend time working in Baltimore City public schools. And we are...

    Letter to the Johns Hopkins community

    Dear Students, Faculty and Staff, I write to you today on my first official day as a member of this wonderful community. Yesterday, in a striking reversal of what is now the time-honored odyssey of so many American youth, my teenage children helped load our car with my core possessions (including a stereo) and, together with my wife Joanne, drove me to my new home at Nichols House on the Homewood campus. The kids will be staying...