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    Baltimore Business Journal Commentary: STEM education key to city’s future

    Ronald DanielsStanley Litow, Contributors Throughout the past year, Baltimore has been engaged in an earnest conversation about how to change the city’s trajectory, bending it in a way that provides opportunities for all of its residents and bolsters economic growth. Equipping our next generation with the academic and real-world skills needed to prepare them for the emerging economy remains one of the most important...

    The Chronicle of Higher Education Commentary: Free the Public Universities

    By Ronald J. Daniels Over the last decade, the fate of America’s public universities has commanded considerable attention. The principal concern has been the impact that steadily declining levels of state support for higher education has had on tuition levels, enrollment patterns, and program offerings and priorities. Since 2000, public universities have lost 25 percent of their state funding per student....

    BloombergView Commentary: To Save State Universities, Free Them From the States

    By Ronald J. Daniels Lost in the noise of the presidential primaries is an important policy debate over college affordability. Bernie Sanders has proposed making public colleges and universities tuition-free, and Hillary Clinton has offered a plan that would invest $350 billion over 10 years in higher education.  Read more on Bloomberg.

    Baltimore Sun Commentary: A commitment to ‘BLocal’ in Baltimore

    This commentary originally appeared in the April 7 Baltimore Sun Baltimore Sun Op-Ed by Calvin Butler, Ronald Daniels, Ron Peterson Monday morning, we stood with a group of Baltimore leaders in the sanctuary of the Zion Baptist Church in East Baltimore to launch an economic initiative that has united more than two dozen companies in a quantifiable effort to build, hire, buy and invest locally, right here in...

    WSJ Commentary: How to Reverse the Graying of Scientific Research

    Dramatically fewer grants are going to young scientists. That’s a cause for alarm. This commentary originally appeared in the March 4 Wall Street Journal By RONALD J. DANIELS And PAUL ROTHMAN Youth will be served, as the saying goes, but increasingly that’s not the case in scientific research. The National Institutes of Health reports that between 1980 and 2012, the share of all research funding going to scientists...