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    Welcome back 2018

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: In our home, Labor Day weekend has always been suffused with ritual. When our children were young, Joanne and I scurried to get them ready for school. The frenzied rush to the mall to purchase clothing and school supplies. The binge of summer reading assignments somehow left to the last minute. A family barbecue on the back porch, made slightly bittersweet by Canada’s early autumn...

    JHU response to DACA decision

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: Yesterday the Trump administration announced its decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program and remitted to Congress the task of crafting a legislative response to the plight of the “Dreamers”—the hundreds of thousands of undocumented young people who were brought to the United States as children. Over the past seven years, Johns Hopkins...

    Message from President Daniels on the executive order on immigration

    Dear Johns Hopkins Community, Last Friday I watched and read the news of President Trump’s executive order on immigration as it unfolded not only in the media, at airports, and on city streets, but also in the emails, questions, and urgent requests for help that came in from members of the Johns Hopkins community. In the hours and days that followed, Johns Hopkins, like many others, sought to understand the substance...

    JHU closely monitoring immigration actions

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: The university is closely monitoring the immigration actions taken yesterday by President Trump, including an order that blocks entry into the United States (with very narrow exceptions) of individuals from seven nations – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – for 90 days. The order also immediately suspends, for 120 days, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program...

    JHU and undocumented U.S. residents at the university

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: Over the past month, members of our community have expressed understandable concern about potential changes in national policies as a result of the presidential transition, particularly related to undocumented U.S. residents, and have sought clarification of the university’s stance. On Nov. 21, Johns Hopkins joined hundreds of U.S. colleges and universities to call on national...

    Update on diversity and inclusion

    Dear Faculty, Students, and Staff: Over the past academic year, we announced several significant initiatives related to the diversity of our university, and committed to keeping you apprised of our work. We understand that to make progress in this arena will require sustained, dedicated effort. Our attention to diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion cannot be halting or episodic. It is important for us to...

    Johns Hopkins’ commitment to Baltimore

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: This month marks the first anniversary of the tragic death of Freddie Gray and the unrest that followed. It was a moment that exposed gaping disparities within this city while bringing many of us together in common cause. As we approach this somber anniversary, we want to express our profound appreciation for the efforts you have undertaken over the past year to make our city stronger...

    BLocal pledges to expand economic opportunities

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: Last fall, we announced the launch of HopkinsLocal, our institution’s effort to build, hire, and buy in new ways that will directly support our city and its residents. In the months since, with significant leadership from our local trustees, other Baltimore businesses have stepped up to join this cause. Today, Johns Hopkins University and Health System will join 24 other Baltimore...

    President Daniels on the Black Student Forum

    Originally published in the Johns Hopkins News-Letter On Monday evening, the Black Student Union called the campus community together for a frank conversation concerning issues of race, diversity and the black student experience at Johns Hopkins, drawing an overflowing auditorium of students, faculty, staff and alumni. It was an important moment, not only because of the issues raised and discussed, but also because...

    Diversity at Johns Hopkins

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: Reports of bigotry and racial discrimination across U.S. higher education have drawn this country’s attention in recent weeks, and it is important to acknowledge that this moment is not about a handful of incidents at a few institutions. Rather, it is part of a national narrative—one that plays out in the daily lives of students, faculty, and staff on campuses across the country...