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    Our work continues

    Dear Johns Hopkins Faculty, Students, and Staff: It has been a long and nerve-wracking month since we began to fully prepare for, and mitigate the impact of, the extraordinary challenges posed by COVID-19. Our colleagues from the Bloomberg School of Public Health remind us that we are still likely a few weeks from the peak of the pandemic in Maryland. For the foreseeable future, we will remain under significant strain...

    Your commencement

    Dear Students of the great Class of 2020, In light of the recent guidance from public health authorities and our own experts about the prolonged and unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johns Hopkins has made the difficult decision not to hold universitywide and divisional Commencements in-person this year and will instead host a virtual ceremony on May 21. We know that you have looked forward to Commencement...

    COVID-19 Update: Remote classes to continue for full semester

    Dear Johns Hopkins Students, Faculty, and Staff: The rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has called upon Johns Hopkins—and each of you—to take a series of unprecedented steps to safeguard our community and ensure that we can accomplish our mission to care for those we serve, including the most vulnerable among us. Today, we have arrived at another critical juncture in our response, and we have made...

    COVID-19: Hopkins stands together

    Dear Johns Hopkins Faculty, Students, and Staff: We are facing an increasingly challenging moment as COVID-19 has moved from an isolated and seemingly distant outbreak to a global pandemic that is now clearly among us. The reality of the rapid spread of this virus calls upon us to acknowledge how starkly daily life across the world has changed. It also underscores the urgent need to step up the vigorous interventions...

    Update: Classes cancelled, resume online no later than March 23

    Dear Johns Hopkins Students, Faculty, and Staff: I am writing at a critical inflection point in our university’s response to the global COVID-19 epidemic. Our approach to the epidemic has been guided by our commitment to sound public health principles and to informing our decisions with the best possible data that we can secure. It has also been guided by our deep commitment to the welfare of the entire Hopkins’...

    Remembering Congressman Elijah Cummings

    Dear Johns Hopkins Community, Yesterday, I joined a chorus of voices that celebrated publicly the life and legacy of Congressman Elijah Cummings. I know so many of you share a profound sadness at this loss of an extraordinary and dear friend and an unflinching champion for the people of Baltimore, our state, and our nation. A proud son of this great city, Elijah Cummings held all of us—individually and collectively—to...

    Welcome back

    Dear Faculty, Students, and Staff: The start of the new academic year is a time of rejuvenation, and I enter every fall semester with the thrill of possibility. This year was no different. In fact, I saw that possibility in full flower late last week when I joined an extraordinary group of city and community leaders and Johns Hopkins’ neighbors and employees in Johnston Square Park. We were there to mark the expansion...

    Supporting our international scholars and students

    Dear Johns Hopkins Community: Over the past several months, we have watched with growing concern the change in tenor of the national dialogue regarding the role of universities in supporting the open international exchange of ideas and people, while also preserving U.S. national security interests. Amid increased scrutiny by Congress and government agencies of research endeavors involving foreign-born faculty...

    Johns Hopkins to Acquire Iconic Building in Washington, D.C.

    Dear Johns Hopkins Community: I am delighted to inform you that late yesterday the university’s trustees approved the acquisition of the Newseum building located on Pennsylvania Avenue in the heart of the nation’s capital. This award-winning building—just steps from Congress, the White House, and the National Mall—will be renovated to house the university’s current activities in Washington. When...

    Historic $1.8 billion gift from alum Michael R. Bloomberg for undergraduate financial aid

    Dear Members of the Johns Hopkins Community: When we gather with family or friends to celebrate Thanksgiving later this week, many of us will begin the holiday meal by expressing our gratitude for the blessings we have received. Today, we are grateful and humbled for one more, extraordinary blessing. Michael R. Bloomberg, graduate of the Class of 1964 and former chair of our board of trustees, has made a gift to us that...