Announcing the Ten for One, 10 goals for 1 University

Dear JHU Community:

Since its founding, our university has continually reimagined the possibilities for higher education. We embraced this same spirit of renewal and innovation when we dreamed together over the past year and a half about our collective future.

Today, I am thrilled to share with you the final version of our new strategic vision, the Ten for One — 10 ambitious goals for our One University.

This vision emerged from 65 listening sessions with more than 1,200 faculty, students, staff, and members of the Baltimore community who offered their ideas, critiques, and suggestions about where we have been and their hopes and aspirations for where we are going. This past spring, your comments and feedback on the draft version of Ten for One continued to help us shape and refine these aims, which were then endorsed by the board of trustees at its summer meeting.

These ten goals touch every part of the university and every member of our community. From an invigoration of our physical spaces and on-campus community, to a transformation of graduate training. From a deepening of our commitment to diversity and dialogue, to building the leading academic hub for data science and application. From becoming a national employer of choice that offers robust opportunities for professional and personal advancement for our staff and their families, to developing new ways to inform policy for the benefit of the nation and the world, to deepening our collaborations with our neighbors and creating economic opportunity for Baltimore and its citizens.

As I mentioned in my welcome back message earlier this week, many members of our university community have already begun to advance these goals – through the launch of a new institute to harness the rapidly emerging potential of data and artificial intelligence to fuel discovery across the university, the construction of new state-of-the-art facilities for the biomedical and life sciences and public health, and the opening of our magnificent new home in Washington, D.C. at 555 Pennsylvania Ave. These moves, among many others, evidence our university’s extraordinary momentum.

You will hear more in the coming months on our progress in realizing the goals set out in this document, and how you can continue to be involved.

Until then, thank you for all that you do for our university.

Ron Daniels