Abrupt and sweeping cuts in NIH funding pose an extraordinary challenge to the important and lifesaving work of our faculty, staff, and students at Johns Hopkins, and put at risk the future of the American research enterprise as a whole.
Our mission is rooted in openness to difference and intellectual exploration, and these values are etched into our norms of academic freedom and tenure.
This week, we officially released our new Climate Action and Sustainability Plan (CASP), animated by an ambitious new goal to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.
The impact of the Supreme Court ruling on racial and ethnic diversity in this admissions cycle is profoundly disappointing, but our commitment to building and supporting a diverse class is unwavering.
In a university setting, the duty of care calls upon each member of our community to share their perspectives and beliefs on matters that are debated and discussed here. This duty of care also requires that we recognize the humanity of others, including when they hold views, beliefs, and values that are divergent from our own.
Johns Hopkins University leaders clarify the standard for issuing public statements, limited to issues that pertain directly to the 'interest or function' of the institution